Elite Services
Service you can count on.
We’ve Got You Covered
We know you want your vehicle to perform its best at all times. We want that too! We have a full list of automotive services and repairs to help keep your vehicle in optimal conditions so it’s running smoothly all the time, giving you one less thing to worry about.
If you want to upgrade your vehicle and take its performance to the next level, we can help with that too! With 18+ years of experience, great customer service, and our competitive prices, you have nothing to lose! Come see us today and we’ll get you taken care of, guaranteed.
Knowledgable & Professional
Competitive, Affordable Prices
Great Customer Service
100% Satisfaction Promise
Auto Services
We are a full-service auto shop with a wide range of services.
Oil Filter Service
Full-service oil change and in-depth auto check.
Find out why that check engine light came on.
A/C & Heating Repair
We fix broken, weak, or smelly vehicle air systems.
Brake Repair & Service
We check or replace worn-out brakes and rotors.
Steering & Suspension Repair
Improves vehicle handling and response time.
Transmission Service & Repair
Maintenance, diagnostics, and repair of shifting issues and other transmission problems.
Clutch Repairs
Inspection & repairs for manual transmission.
Driveline & Differential Service & Repair
Driveshaft inspection and repair.
Performance Upgrade & Tuning
Aftermarket premium part additions.
Diesel Performance
Upgrades to increase diesel power.
General Services
Any routine maintenance service needs.
Car Tuning Needs
Partnered with Tapped Performance for car tuning.
Fuel Injector Cleaning Service
We clean all makes of gasoline-based vehicle fuel injectors.
5-mile Shuttle Service
If you live/work within 5 miles of the shop, we will take you/pick you up while working on your vehicle.
At Elite Performance Automotive, our fleet program is the best choice for any company needing dependable fleet service. We take the hassle out of maintaining and repairing your fleet vehicles.
Our Services Include:
Discounted Fleet Pricing
Complete Maintenance Plans for Each Fleet vehicle.
Our happy customers are saying:
Full Service Auto Shop
100% Satisfaction Promise
Elite Performance Automotive
330 Industrial Blvd, Ste 109
McKinney, TX 75069
Hours of operation:
M-F: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Sat & Sun: closed
Phone: 214.856.4509